Veddah  Houses Cave Women Men Hunting Culture Change Temple

© 2023 Dr Margaret Sheppard

Veddah Women

The women are often very shy and hide in the enclosed area at the end of their houses when there are visitors.

Fetching water takes up much of their time especially during the dry season when  they have to digs holes in the dry river beds. They also gather wild plant foods from the surrounding countryside to supplement the rice etc bought from the stores. Gathering firewood and cooking obviously takes up much time

However times are changing. Veddah girls are now attending school. Although Veddah women traditionally do not go out to work but stay at home fetching firewood, water, gathering wild food plants and herbs, this group asked us for help during a visit. They had heard of wives earning money in garment factories and wished very much for some financial independence. (Especially as on this visit they were very hungry as many men had been called away to attend various Temple Peraheras -during July and August- so there had not been any meat provided from the men’s hunting.) They wished to start up small businesses so that they could support themselves on these occasions. (The Singhalese woman wearing pink, had worked extensively in community development).