© 2023 Dr Margaret Sheppard
Inside Goonabandi’s house when it was thundering and raining heavily. The roof was leaking badly. The men started singing special Veddah songs to protect them from danger and drive away the thunder.
Goonabandi’s father singing a special song to pacify the thunder. The men dance the song. Several of these different types of songs were demonstrated during the violent thunderstorm.
Songs & Dances
Veddah culture is rich with songs for different occasions e.g. lullabies, songs about hunts, songs to bring about successful hunting, curing songs, songs to drive away adverse weather conditions such as thunder etc.
Dance before a hunt to promote success. A fire is lit over which a bowl of herbs is heated, dancers dance around, inhaling smoke and become entranced. This enables them to “see” the location to hunt etc.
Entranced hunter then reveals the hunting strategy.
You-Tube Video Links:
Veddah of Sri Lanka: Curing Dance held at night in a Veddah sacred place
Sri Lanka Veddah People, Cultural and Hunting Displays