Veddah  Houses Cave Women Men Hunting Culture Change Temple

© 2023 Dr Margaret Sheppard

Veddah Houses

These are made of beaten earth (clay)  - wattle & daub on a wooden framework. There is a screened off area one end where stores & the women stay & a larger open area where visitors are received or the community can shelter in the rainy season when it is too wet to sit outside.

Timber frame of new house

Thatch roof NB open area on left

Typical house

Beaten earth used to fill in between timbers

N.B. Open area at right end

Some Veddah are now building houses with clay tile roof or tin sheeting as they do not leak.

When a Veddah baby is born a special house is made where the mother and baby live until the baby is about six months old.

They are cared for by their female relatives who will cook for them, bring water etc. This “isolation” helps to keep the young baby safe from infections and helps mother and baby to bond.