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© 2023 Dr Margaret Sheppard

The Veddah and Buddhism

Today most of the Veddah I met consider themselves Buddhist although they hunt which is against Buddhist theology. A Monk settled in  Dambane area some years ago and has gradually built up a Temple amongst the rocks. He also started a school for  Veddah boys and later girls were also allowed to attend. Sinhalese regularly stop at this Temple to “feed the monks”. A film was made there around 2012 which was very popular. It is about 2 boys - one a Singhalese and one a Veddah who became friends. The Sinhalese boy was a monk and taught the Veddah boy it was wrong to kill animals . Then at the end of the film the Veddah boy also became a Buddhist monk

One of the Veddah men and a boy took us to visit the temple and meet the monk.

Views of the Temple built amongst  and into the rocks

A Sinhalese  party of pilgrims visiting the Temple to pray and“feed the monks”.

Temple cat  taking a nap amongst the rocks!

Waiting to do pujah and then to “feed the monks”

Monks process to their dining area

Monks are seated

Head monk served first by pilgrims.

Then rest of monks served

The Temple “orphans” - boys who have been left at the Temple as their parents may be too poor to look after them - are fed. They also attend the Temple School. Many of these may welllater become monks.

At the end of the meal their hands are washed

Then bulat is  chewed