© 2023 Dr Margaret Sheppard
The Veddah and Buddhism
Today most of the Veddah I met consider themselves Buddhist although they hunt which is against Buddhist theology. A Monk settled in Dambane area some years ago and has gradually built up a Temple amongst the rocks. He also started a school for Veddah boys and later girls were also allowed to attend. Sinhalese regularly stop at this Temple to “feed the monks”. A film was made there around 2012 which was very popular. It is about 2 boys - one a Singhalese and one a Veddah who became friends. The Sinhalese boy was a monk and taught the Veddah boy it was wrong to kill animals . Then at the end of the film the Veddah boy also became a Buddhist monk
One of the Veddah men and a boy took us to visit the temple and meet the monk.
Views of the Temple built amongst and into the rocks
A Sinhalese party of pilgrims visiting the Temple to pray and“feed the monks”.
Temple cat taking a nap amongst the rocks!
Waiting to do pujah and then to “feed the monks”
Monks process to their dining area -
pilgrims & Temple Dog wait respectfully
Head monk served first by pilgrims.
Then rest of monks served
At the end of the meal their hands are washed
The Temple “orphans” - boys who have been left at the Temple as their parents may be too poor to look after them - are fed. They also attend the Temple School. Many of these may well later become monks.
You-Tube Video Link:
Sri Lanka Veddah People, Religious Beliefs: Visit to Veddah Temples & Kataragama Perahera