© 2018 Dr. M. Sheppard

Botswana Kanye Households People Lands Cattle-post Crafts

Working with Skins

This skin mat craftsman was paralysed in an accident in the South African mines. He now lives with his family out at his cattlepost in the Kalahari and local hunters bring him skins. He makes bags, karosses (traditional skin blankets), leather jackets etc.

Preparing a dried cow skin for the craftsman. Kgotla elders look on whilst exchanging gossip in the Kgotla

Skin mat man’s house. Skins hanging outside to dry

Skins ready for working supplied by local hunters etc

Thongs for sewing

Snake skin

Skin mat man at work. His tools are all to hand as he cannot move from his bed

Intricately stitching a bag, His wife assists where necessary. In this way he supports his family