Afterthe crops have germinatedthe womenweed the fields. Traditionallythey used to use hoes and would weed by hand, but nowadays with the introductionof row plantingmany of the richer people have purchasedweedersthat can be pulledby two oxen.The agricultural demonstratorsrecommendthat there shouldideally be three weedings a year, and althoughnot everyonecan do so many,even those who do not actuallyown a weederthemselvesoften hire the servicesof an owner and so manageto do at least one weeding. Usinga weederprobablytakes about two to three days for some 8 acresinsteadof a matterof weeks (accordingto how many womenare involved)to hoe by hand.
Dailylife at the Landsis muchthe same as in the village.The homes,however,are much more scattered,as they are usually besidethe owner'sfields, but they are not isolatedfrom one another.
Weeding with a hoe
Weeding with oxen
Germinating and developing crops, typically planted in strips