© 2018 Dr. M. Sheppard

Botswana Kanye Households People Lands Cattle-post Crafts


These are made from natural materials gathered by the basket makers. In Kanye these were women who fitted basket making around their other many household duties. The Bangwaketse baskets and beer strainers craftswomen although selling to Botswanacraft for the tourist market also supply the local market where they are in use particularly on many traditional occasions such as Dikgafela, marriages etc.

Working  whilst social visiting

Weaving the base whilst walking to another household

Skilfully weaving in natural coloured decorations

Nearing completion

A finished basket

Basket making with baskets ready for selling

Beer strainers

Making beer strainers

Using a beer strainer to strain traditional beer

Married ladies of each kgotla must take a basket of corn each to the tribal granary for Dikgafela. This must be carried in a traditional basket. They collect in their own kgotla first before processing behind the men to the Chief’s kgotla, singing traditional rain making songs. (See section on Dikgafela and You Tube video for further details).