© 2018 Dr. M. Sheppard
Kanye is the capital of the Bangwaketse District and the surrounding land, Southern District is under the Chief.
The tribal boundaries were defined soon after Botswana became a Protectorate in 1885. The sub-
Kanye is located in South-
The Bangwaketse are one of the three senior tribes of Botswana. They themselves are supposed to be an off-
About eight chiefs later, under the reign of Mongala "traditions become more uniform and abundant" (1. Schapera"A Short History of the Bangwaketse" African Studies I, 1942), so Mongala is usually regarded as the founder of the modern tribe.
During Mongala's reign the Bangwaketse were still not based in Kanye. It was not until the reign of Makaba 11 in the early part of the nineteenth century that they moved here. But due to inter-
The first missionaries to come to the Bangwaketse were from the London Missionary Society. They were invited by the Chief. The first missionary was a black missionary who started evangelising around 1848. He was called Sebubi. In 1871 the first white missionary, the Rev. J. Good arrived. The Chief had long requested the L.M.S. to send a white missionary. The Chief himself, Gaseitsiwe, was never converted but allowed some Christian principles to be introduced, and was taught to read by the missionaries. His son Bathoen 1 was converted, and during his reign he abolished certain traditional practices that conflicted with Christian belief, such as initiation ceremonies, the inheritance of widows by the dead man's brothers, and the importation of liquor.
The L.M.S. was the only Christian Church allowed for some time. In 1921, the Seventh Day Adventists started a hospital in Kanye, together with a mission, and in the early 1970's the Roman Catholics *and Lutherans developed permanent missions. Independent Church members were at first greatly opposed and members were even exiled to remote areas of the Bangwaketse Reserve. Independent Churches are those Churches started, led and run by black people (See sections on the Zion Christian Churches)
During the period of the inter and intra-
However, today the descendants of all these different peoples are regarded as Bangwaketse, but their origins can still be traced from their individual totems. Those people descended from Ngwaketse have the crocodile as their totem, i.e. the original Bangwaketse (this is also the totem for the royal families of the Bakwena and Bangwato, showing their common origins). Schapera compiled an analysis of the various peoples and their totems and the numbers of the tax payers (heads of households) of each. Although this is now out of date (1941) it still shows the various origins, if not the accurate numbers.
Tribal Stock Totem Taxpayers
Bangwaketse kwena (crocodile) 2,855
Basebako kgomo (ox) 439
Bakgalagadi miscellaneous 107
Bakgwatlheng tlou (elephant) 129
Batsopye " " 517
Batloung " " 106
Baphaleng phala (roebuck) 408
Bakwena kwena (crocodile) 347
Bahurutshe tshwene (baboon) 551
Bakhurutshe phofu (eland) 15
Batlharo tshwene (baboon) 83
Bakgatla kgabo (ape) 911
Bangwato phuti (duiker) 312
Batawana " " 46
Barolong tshipi (iron) 38
Batlhaping thola (kudu) 170
Baphiring phiri (hyena) 74
Bagalaka phuti (duiker) 14
Bataung tau (lion) 10
Total = 7132
However it should be noted that members of a kgotla do not necessarily share the totem of their Headman, as in the past refugees or captives were often put under a Headman of the royal or other important family. Totems are patrilineal. For example in the kgotla where I lived many of the people had nare (buffalo) as their totem. According to tradition they were captured by the Bangwaketse from the Matebele (this is a Matebele totem). The Headman on the other hand, had kwena (crocodile) as his totem as he is descended from the royal family. In a neighbouring sub-
Besides these various totemic groupings of peoples there is a kgotla of coloureds (people of mixed race) who have been given refuge from South Africa. They mostly live in a section of Ga-
Ruins on an early Bangwaketse settlement
Part of Kanye looking down from Uphill late 1970s
(“Modern” white buildings are a Primary School.)
Sketch map of Southern District showing sub-
Before and After the Rains. Go-