© 2023 Dr Margaret Sheppard

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Wildlife and National Parks

There are several National Parks in Sri Lanka providing  wide ranging employment opportunities for the Wildlife Ranger/ Guides, drivers for the safari vehicles, park maintenance and enforcement officers,  hospitality employees for the lodges, researchers, administration - ticket office, accounts, souvenirs etc. (Marine Parks provide yet more opportunities.)

Local entrepreneurs  provide accommodation, and transport and thus provide employment in hospitality and driving for the National Parks.

Whale Watching tends to be organised by local fishermen who own suitable boats, providing employment for “whale spotters” and boat crew.

Sri Lanka has a rich marine life and provides excellent snorkelling and scuba diving opportunities around the coasts. Several Dive Centres are locally owned and operated providing Scuba diving and snorkelling training, equipment hire and guiding facilities around the beautiful reefs and wrecks. (See separate sections of website under Water Sports).  Park entrance fees help support the work to research and preserve the marine environment are payable for entrance to the Marine Park at Pigeon Island near Trincomalee in the North East. This is obviously a source of employment. In Hambantota District there is a Conservation Project that protects the turtles and also offers night time opportunities for tourists to view the turtles coming ashore to lay their eggs during the breeding season. To the North of Galle there is a Sea Turtle Hatchery open for tourists to view the tanks of baby turtles that are protected from predators during their early lives before being released into the sea.

However many wild animals can be viewed from the roads and especially at night care must be taken not to encounter wild elephants. Here are a few examples of the varied wildlife and more photographs and details follow in the subsections:

Tourist groups with their Game Ranger/Guides and Safari drivers

The Ranger/Guides who accompany the safari vehicles around the National Parks are knowledgeable about the wildlife habitats and help the tourists to spot the different species. They also very importantly ensure the safety of the tourists and the wildlife  remain unharmed and undisturbed by the “intrusion” into their domain.

Park maintenance team, East Yala National Park