© 2023 Dr Margaret Sheppard

Occupations Food Production Market Small Business Building Other Occupations


Sri Lanka has  a wide variety of snakes and although care should be taken, it should be noted that many are harmless.

This gentleman earns extra income by showing his snakes to tourists at Unawantuna!

Snake crossing to grass at a Temple

Shrine within Hindu  Temple, near Yala East National Park dedicated to Cobra snake. (Shrine snakes live within mound.)

My You Tube Video Links

Shy Snake Crossing Road, Night-Time in Sri Lanka


Scary Dancing Snakes - Experience Sri Lanka


Devol Madua Part 10 Dance of Gara -Cobra Dance


(For fuller details of this dance where the Tovil Dancer takes the “form* of the cobra headed demon, Gara, please see the section on Pattini Ceremonies - Devol Madua (Family Pattini)

Cobra Dance - Tsunami Toil Dance, Sri Lanka 2005 (480p)
