© 2023 Dr. M. Sheppard

Special Tovils Baby Tovil Fishermen's Tovil Bali Tovil Family Tovil Sesanthi Pujah

Morning Watch - Entertainment

After the break during which refreshments of tea, biscuits and bananas were served to the audience, the entertainment followed. This part is to entertain Mangara (Mahasona’s superior).

Then  the head tovil dancer conducted a joking interchange  with the Drummer and audience whilst washing a “baby” in front of the bed where the pregnant lady sat .

Then he did a comic washing sequence using water  - he had a leaf comb and when he  mimed cleaning his teeth he sprayed water into the audience. Next he sat on a mat and arranged “flowers” etc.

This session ended at about 4.17am .

Then he did a comic washing sequence using water  - he had leaf comb & when mimed cleaning his teeth sprayed water into the audience. Then sat on a mat & arranged “flowers” etc.

Then “she” performed a comic washing sequence using water  - he had leaf comb and when  “she”  mimed cleaning “her” teeth sprayed “she”water into the audience - again much to their amusement. Then “she”sat on a mat and arranged “flowers” etc.

Washing the baby then carefully drying it. This “baby” is always a boy doll. Throughout “she” commented to the Drummer, e.g. exclaiming at the smell etc. to the amusement of the audience.

At the conclusion of this act an offering basket partially covered with a black cloth was placed in front of the patient

The Tovil dancer acting as Edura, “smoked” the area around the offering basket and the bed  to call the Demons to accept their offerings and leave the patient alone. Whilst he  did this he sang the song describing this part of the Tovil.

On the instructions of the tovil dancer/edura, the patient made further offerings into the offering baskets and the whole area was “smoked” to attract the Demons to their offerings.

Then the  area was thoroughly “smoked” again.