© 2023 Dr. M. Sheppard

Health Ayurveda Plants Mantra Tovil Treatments

General Treatments in Ayurveda

The following are just a few examples.

Herbal Inhalation
A mixture of fresh herbs is boiled producing steam for you to inhale. This inhalation looses mucous deposits in the lungs and thus purifying the respiratory tract.

Shirodhara (Herbal oil theraphy - Head)
For this therapy, the person lies flat, face up on a special wooden bed. A pot with a hole in the base filled with herbal oil is suspended above the person's forehead, and a thin flow of warm herbal oil is directed onto a spot between the eyebrows.
The oil is then gently stroked down the hair for 30-40 minutes to permeate the skin. Sometimes the therapist will massage it in to the scalp for extra potency. It can have dramatic healing effects. It is highly effective in the treatment of insomnia, migraine, epilepsy and amnesia.

Special Herbal Oil Treatment (Energizing of vital forces)
A special Ayurvedic herbal oil treatment using a special rhythmic technique to pacify mental and physical vital forces in the body. Herbal oil is applied all over the body in a form of a milk bolus of pounded medicines, tied up in a muslin bag, by two trained therapists. It is a process of purifying the whole body to attain a proper balance of VATA, PITA and KAPHA.
It also promotes the excretion of toxic waste products and develops the immunity of the body. The medically potent components of the secret mixture of medicinal herbs which is contained in the oil are absorbed through the skin by osmotic pressure as well as the activity of the nerves and the vascular system. This treatment is for all types of rheumatism, pain in the joints, blood pressure, cholesterol and certain kinds of skin diseases.

Thaila Vimardana (Herbal oil body massage)
Relaxing and energizing oil massage for the whole body, hed and foot with herbal medicated oil. The massage is done according to traditional ayurvedic techniques.
This is good to reduce stress and fatigue and also improves blood and lymph circulation.

Abhyanga (Special full body oil treatment)
Very special ayurvedic oil treatment using a rhythmic technique of pacifying mental and physical vital forces in the body. It also promotes the excretion of toxic waste products and develops the immunity of the body.

Shirsha Thaila Vimardana(Head Massage)
The Head and Neck are given a relaxing massage with a special herbal oil, increasing blood supply to the scalp, relieving nervous tension and encouraging hair growth.

Biji Pindu Sveda (Herbal Seed Therapy)
In this treatment the body is rhythmically massaged with a bolus of pounded medicine. This treatment is a method of increasing sweat. Hence it will help the excretion of toxic waste products.

Vashpa Sveda (Medicated Steam Bath)
Medicated steam bath is specially recommended for certain skin diseases, to eliminate impurities from the body and to reduce fat. Herbal roots heat the body thoroughly in a traditional Margosa (Azandiracta Indica) wooden box.
The head stays outside the box and thus remains cool. The curative effects of the herb viperous penetrate the skin, while waste products are excreted with the sweat.

Avagaha Sveda (Herbal Bath)
Fresh herbal leaves are boiled and the resulting liquid added to a warm bath. Capillaries and the spaces between tissues are dilated and create a general sense of well being.

Vaktra Vimardana(Facial treatment with Massage)
Depending on your skin type a special oil or herbal Cleansing cream is gently massaged in to your face. This treatment vitalizes and tones the facial skin and creates a soothing effect on the nerve paths.

Herbal Inhalation
A mixture of fresh herbs is boiled producing steam for you to inhale. This inhalation looses mucous deposits in the lungs and thus purifying the respiratory tract.

Shirodhara (Herbal oil theraphy - Head)
For this therapy, the person lies flat, face up on a special wooden bed. A pot with a hole in the base filled with herbal oil is suspended above the person's forehead, and a thin flow of warm herbal oil is directed onto a spot between the eyebrows.
The oil is then gently stroked down the hair for 30-40 minutes to permeate the skin. Sometimes the therapist will massage it in to the scalp for extra potency. It can have dramatic healing effects. It is highly effective in the treatment of insomnia, migraine, epilepsy and amnesia.

Thaila Vimardana (Herbal oil body massage)
Relaxing and energizing oil massage for the whole body, hed and foot with herbal medicated oil. The massage is done according to traditional ayurvedic techniques.
This is good to reduce stress and fatigue and also improves blood and lymph circulation.

Abhyanga (Special full body oil treatment)
Very special ayurvedic oil treatment using a rhythmic technique of pacifying mental and physical vital forces in the body. It also promotes the excretion of toxic waste products and develops the immunity of the body.

Shirsha Thaila Vimardana(Head Massage)
The Head and Neck are given a relaxing massage with a special herbal oil, increasing blood supply to the scalp, relieving nervous tension and encouraging hair growth.

Biji Pindu Sveda (Herbal Seed Therapy)
In this treatment the body is rhythmically massaged with a bolus of pounded medicine. This treatment is a method of increasing sweat. Hence it will help the excretion of toxic waste products.

Vashpa Sveda (Medicated Steam Bath)
Medicated steam bath is specially recommended for certain skin diseases, to eliminate impurities from the body and to reduce fat. Herbal roots heat the body thoroughly in a traditional Margosa (Azandiracta Indica) wooden box.
The head stays outside the box and thus remains cool. The curative effects of the herb viperous penetrate the skin, while waste products are excreted with the sweat.

Vaktra Vimardana(Facial treatment with Massage)
Depending on your skin type a special oil or herbal cleansing cream is gently massaged in to your face. This treatment vitalizes and tones the facial skin and creates a soothing effect on the nerve paths.

(These are just a few examples of common treatments available at the many Ayurvedic Centres that cater to foreign tourists - This type of Health Tourism is an important and increasing part of the Tourism Sector. Many such tourists visit Sri Lankan centres annually for these treatments.)

General Treatments in Ayurveda

Head Massage