© 2023 Dr. M. Sheppard

Health Ayurveda Plants Mantra Tovil Treatments

These are just a very few examples of Ayurvedic plants. There are thousands that are utilised - some ayurvedic healers claim that every plant has positive ayurvedic properties.

(Much of this information on Ayurvedic plants was provided by the late Mrs G. A. Premalatha, who as a child  in the 1950s and 1960s often assisted her father who was a famous Ayurvedic Practitioner based in the Ambalantota area. Like many Sri Lankan housewives, she included many Ayurvedic herbs and plants in her cooking and for home cures e.g. herbal teas and or special spice and herb  combinations in her curries to relieve symptoms of flu, fevers etc., herbal poultices to relieve infections, stings or bite etc.)