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© 2023 Dr Margaret Sheppard

Puja Offerings

Placing water lilies at shrine at Buddhist Temple

Family group offering -decorating Buddhist Thuparama with Buddhist flag

Preparing offering baskets for Hindu Temples. N.B the gentleman with his face covered to stop his breath polluting the puja.

Family group making offerings

Temple elephant doing evening pujah at Hindhu Temple- N.B. he is kneeling before the shrine.

Elephant then makes pujah offerings of bananas.

Hindhu priest doing evening Pujah & then distributing to Pilgrims

Pujah being taken to Hindhu Temples

Pujah food being shared out to Pilgrims. This food is believed to be holy and promote well-being. Often pilgrims  will take some home to those not on pilgrimage.

Pilgrims inside Hindhu Temple - some with their offerings which they then share out

Making offerings inside Hindhu Temple.

Partaking of Pujah coconut & fruit - Temple monkeys also share in this!