© 2023 Dr. M. Sheppard

Demons Disease Causing Demons Kola-sanniya and his companions Atura-sanniya Kalu and Aimana-yakka Vata-Kumara Kalu-Kumara Sunni-yakka Mahasona Siri-yakka


These two demons are the main manifestations of Kalu-Kumara. There are various myths concerning their origins.

He was the son of the famous founding king of Sri Lanka Wijaya. He can afflict anyone and is always respected with offerings during a ceremony. He causes a wide range of ailments – headaches, fever, rheumatic pains, TB, paralysis etc. He also causes nightmares especially ones involving snakes or an itching body. He has four arms, a snake around his waist, large round ears, long fangs and a horrible face. He rides a bull.

Aimana- yakka

He, unlike the above demons, is of very low birth and hence is shown much less respect in ceremonies.

According to legend two soothsayers came from India to Sri Lanka and the King of Polonnaruwa wanted to consult them. When he arrived at their home in the Jungle, he fell in love with the wife of one of them called Andima. The King stole her away from the Soothsayers’ home  made her his own wife, taking her back to his palace.

His other 16 wives were very jealous of her. She was very beautiful so when he was away on a campaign they plotted against her. They hid all their jewels and told the king when he returned that she had stolen them. He believed them and ordered she should be impaled but she was pregnant and the baby boy was born when the stake entered her. This infant was brought up in the palace but when he grew older he heard how his mother had died and then died of grief himself.

Andima, in the meantime had been re-born in her original Indian home and gave birth to a son who was in fact the reincarnation of her first son (later to be known as Aimana). He grew up to be very strong. At the age of 16 he journeyed to the West Coast of Sri Lanka where he met up with 3 sisters (they were daughters of King Wijaya). They were demons.   

All four then set off to the King of the Demons Vesamunu-rajjuruvo and asked for him to grant them power to punish the King of Polonnaruwa for what he had done to Andima.

Their wish was granted and all 4 went to Polonnaruwa to see the King. The king refused to grant them an audience so Aimana recited a mantra to make the Queen ill. She became thin and was childless. Despite all the consultations with healers all they could diagnose was that she had been afflicted by a demon but did not know which one. Then at last a healer came who made special offerings and recited a special mantra “Deiyange, Buddhanage anakiya Patini-deviyo”, whilst they were being made.

The Queen made a full recovery.