© 2023 Dr. M. Sheppard

Dances Evening Watch Midnight Watch Morning Watch Patient Dancing Fire Dance Finale

Finale - Concluding Measures

Following the departure of the final demon with the last offering basket, any remaining links and influence between the demons and the Patient must be severed by the Edura for the healing to be fully effective. By now it is after sunrise.

Typically the Patient is seated on a chair in front of the clay picture depicting the main demon who has caused their affliction. The Patient is connected by a white thread from the picture to one of their hands. A red flower is also attached to this thread at the “hand” end.

In this ceremony the girl was seated in front of the clay image of Mahasona. She was joined by a white string to this picture. The end of the string with a red flower attached, was held in her hand. The Edura (holding the Igaba) then sang a special mantra whilst performing a slow dance. in front of the picture of Mahasona. He was accompanied by the slow beat of the drum. (N.B. the girl has changed out of her wet clothes.)

She returned to the chair and the Edura then touched the girl’s head with the Igaba and then touched the cock. By doing this  he was transferring any residual demon presence from the girl to the cock. She then had to wipe her head with the white cloth that had been used earlier in the Ceremony and throw it towards the picture of Mahasona.

The clay picture was then carried away with the remaining Offering Basket by male attendants, to be left at a crossroads.

The girl then returned to the mat where she had been lying throughout the ceremony. Another Edura then recited mantra over the grass and cord protective armband he had prepared for her. He then tied it around her upper right arm.

At the end of the mantra, the girl placed the string with the red flower in front of the picture.

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Relatives of the Patient carrying away the clay picture of Mahasona to be left at the crossroads with the other items of “debris” from the Tovil ceremony.