Zion Christian Churches Churches Liturgy Prophets Services Members

© 2023 Dr Margaret Sheppard

In addition to specially prophesied parts of uniform, an individual may be prophesied' to wear protective cords. These are usually worn all the time and may be put on an individual at a special Healing Service. These are commonly of blue, red, green, yellow or white wool, or they may be made of combinations of these colours or a mixture of all of them. Most of my informants stated that the colours were not necessarily significant, although some said that red was often prescribed for troubles with the blood. This is a very wide definition and includes problems of, and connected with maoto a molelo (hot blood)

To make these cords, lengths of wool are twisted together and placed around the wrists, ankles, waist, neck, like sashes, next to the skin. They are placed according to an individual's prescription, from a prophecy. These positions are similar to pieces of animal skin that may be tied around children for protection, or the beads traditionally put on young babies to protect them and show their growth rates. Cords may be tied around the rafters or the door way of a member's house to protect it. Bicycles and cars also often have protective cords tied on them by their Zion owners to protect from ill- fortune, accidents, theft etc.

Protective Cords

Bicycles and cars also often have protective cords tied on them by their Zion owners to protect from ill- fortune, accidents, theft etc.

Zion Moruiti plaiting cords for a “sash”.

Zion baby with protective cords

Zion Moruti tying on protective cords at a Healing Service.

Protective cords hung in the rafters protecting a Zion member’s house

Specially prophesied cords worn by Prophets